Éric Bréhault - PloneConf 2016
Our feelings…
… as developers
… as contributors
Explain that to your father-in-law.
You work for free for people you don't know.
"It's not about the money, money, money
We don't need your money, money, money
We just wanna make the world dance,
Forget about the price tag"
Jessie J
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Only 16% of employees would recommend their company's products.
That's an epic disaster!!
ok, that's just in France, and we love to criticize everything: we love to criticize things we don't like, we love to criticize things we like, and we love to criticize things we do not even care about. But still:
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100% of community members would recommend their product.
Otium = free time, but not just leisure: time for caring
Negotium = the very opposite of otium
negotium => negociate => business => to be busy => not available
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Sounds exagerated.
My customer finds a bug: "Sooooo boring…"
A stranger thinks there is a bug in my last night commit: "I need to fix that ASAP!"
"Was ist Aufklärung?", Kant
Minor ("Unmündig" also means "dependent" or "unfree") = has no responsibility
Major = autonomous, scholar among scholars
vassa iste aoufklarounk What Is Enlightenment?
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The software industry tends to reduce their responsibility.
Communities values their grown-ups status.
they read my code, I read their (developers among developers).
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Do softwares need parents?
It is a full creation process managed by the same person (or team).
It is long and iterative.
We want our code to be better.
We feel proud of it.
We want it to be prepared for the future.
That's the same whatever is your programming level. Mention rapido creation (-3kg) and Plomino (wake me up at night).
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Make sure a software always has loving parents to raise it.
It works like a family: we welcome new members we trust to raise the next generation.
Caring about the software implies we care about the community: we are sharing a common parenthood.
"L'individuation psychique et collective", Gilbert Simondon
Becoming myself is a process, which is both individual and collective.
Belonging to a group makes me feel more as myself.
"I" is just a phase of this process, like a React immutable state :)
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The community emanates from the desire of its contributors.
Community > sum(contributors)
this common desire turns the basic existence of the group into an actual consistency of the community
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Transindividuation (Bernard Stiegler)
Plone participates to our "We" and each of our "I" processes.
At the same time, it is also the result of them.
Just the software itself. Just code.
Plone-the-thing is not perfect.
a tertiary retention
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Plone-the-concept is our moral ideal.
It is the community's super-ego ("Über-Ich").
It is (meta-)stable across a collective memory even if contributors change.
Our common knowledge of this code, our memory of its past, the future we imagine create Plone-the-concept. The knowledge of its origin too (Zope), and maybe we have reach the point where we have to kill the father.
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I am not a philosopher nor a psychanalyst.
This talk is potentially a total fraud.
But I can answer one question.
or did I mean a total freud?
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